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How to make your work more effective

3/5/2013 | 2430 views

All of us have strengths and weaknesses, impacting our effectiveness and this is where we can benefit from tweaking at least a few of our skills, so that we can be even more effective. Being truly effective at work can pay off now and throughout our careers. Effective employees get exciting projects, win important clients, and are well respected by their colleagues and bosses. The people who can accomplish more in a given amount of time are those who are skilled at making their work as effective as possible. To be more successful, one of the easiest ways is to become more effective in your daily work. To identify your job's true purpose, perform a job analysis. This will help you uncover your most important objectives, so that you can start prioritizing tasks effectively. You should also spend some time on planning your day makes a large difference. Find out what's important to do first. Concentrate on the most important things to do, find ways to focus more time on them. Effective workers have a "good attitude." People with a good attitude take the initiative whenever they can. A good attitude at work will do more than just earn you respect: setting standards for your work and your behavior means that you're taking responsibility for yourself. You should also complete the work you have started. Leaving an activity half finished is a big source of stress. Whenever something is only half done, it gnaws at you and stops you from focusing on other activities. When you complete a task a rush of endorphins is released into your system making you happy, pleased and relaxed. It gives you the energy to go on and complete the next activity. The best way to save time is to have a rest. If you want to work hard and efficiently, you should take a break once in a while and go for a walk, drink a cup of coffee or take a nap. But don't let the relaxation take too much of your time.