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Outbound Sales Specialist (Fluent in English)


Industry: Security, Protective Services
Deadline: 3/7/2025
City: Remote
Employment type: Full Time
Monthly 1,500-5,000 $
Work schedule: Five-day workweek, Night shift
Work experience: Mid level, Senior
Open to international applicants
Students will also be considered

Compensation: Commission-only ($1,500–$5,000/month)

About Us:
STAVA is looking for an English-speaking professional to set up appointments with California clients for our sales engineers.

What We’re Looking For:

  • Fluent English speaker
  • Experience in outbound calling or sales (preferably with U.S. clients)
  • Excellent communication skills

How to Apply:

  1. Send your resume to jacob@
  2. Include a 30-second audio recording of the following pitch:

"Hi, this is [Your Name] from STAVA. We specialize in security, technology, and home automation solutions. I’m reaching out because we’re offering homeowners in your area a free consultation to see how we can enhance their home’s security and convenience. Would you be available for a quick appointment this week?"

This will help us evaluate your language skills and accent clarity.


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