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Waiter / Waitress

Coffeeshop Company Yerevan

Industry: Customer Support, Client Care, Restaurants, Food Services
Deadline: 2/28/2025
City: Yerevan
Employment type: Full Time
Monthly 250,000-300,000 ֏
Work schedule: Six-day workweek
Work experience: Mid level


Join our team at a renowned Viennese franchise cafe in Yerevan. We're dedicated to providing exceptional hospitality and delicious Viennese delights.

We're hiring a waiter/waitress to deliver outstanding service to our guests. Responsibilities include greeting guests, taking orders, and ensuring a memorable dining experience.


  • ability to work under pressure
  • serve the costumers with a professional and fast approach
  • learn the menu
  • ability to recommend the right items to our costumers


  • Languages: Minimum requirement is Armenian or Russian, English is recommended.
  • Hard and Soft skills that are needed for a waiter/waitress
  • Ability to learn the Menu fluently
  • hygine and ability to comunicate with different type of people.

Additional Notes

working schedule is free (from 40 up to 60 hours per week)

for more information please contact via the phone number mentioned below.

Company օverview
Ամիրյան մասնաճյուղ (Ամիրյան 4/5), Հյուսիսային պողոտա մասնաճյուղ (Հին Երևանցի 2), Կասկադ մասնաճյուղ (Թամանյան 3/1), Թումանյան մասնաճյուղ (Թումանյան 21/24)
Number of employees
Annual salary review
Annual salary review
Corporate events
Corporate events
Flexible working schedule
Flexible working schedule
Free tea, coffee and refreshments
Free tea, coffee and refreshments
Free meals
Free meals

To apply for a job, fill in all fields

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Full Name is required
Enter a valid email address
Profile picture

do you have experience in the cafe`\Restaurant field? *

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do you have any issues with your working schedule? *

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Անգլերեն և Ռուսերեն լեզուներին ինչքանո՞վ եք տիրապետում *

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Cover letter
*You can write up to 1500 characters

Resume *

Resume is required

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