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Ջի Էյ Էլ Վուդ ՍՊԸ

Address: Ն.Տիգրանյան 27
Phone: 099 01 80 81
About Us
Interior In “Elwood Furniture” we create infinite facilities for any, most daring fantasies of Your designer, because our technical facilities allow us to create any three-dimensional bent or round surface, and used leads are from the most usual (oak, beech, ash, mahogany,…) to the most exotic (zebrawood, ebon, bamboo, rosewood …) create a so-called «hand made» effect by comparatively low prices for the analogous furniture. Furthermore, such interesting “instruments” like lamination, various kinds of coverings, and multifunctional lacquers are presented in the arsenal of our facilities. “Elwood Furniture”- Flight of Your Imagination. Objects Infinite technical facilities of “Elwood Furniture” with the speed of implementation of any order over a shortest period of time- ideal operated system both for the one time orders even of one stub pole and making design of a huge establishment or cottage. In either of the cases, “Elwood Furniture”- The Exclusivity of Your Decision is guaranteed.

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Ն.Տիգրանյան 27
099 01 80 81
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